A Media-Production professional with over 20 years of experience in various filmmaking aspects. During these years I have managed to well-serve my clients, who varied from local companies, to multinational/international companies, and from public to private sector.

I look at all my clients as partners, we share ideas, work hard, push the envelope, achieve goals and then enjoy our success together! This “togetherness” is fundamental to perfect the understanding of the client’s goals and objectives, cast the ideas into the right molds and best sell their brands.

As a person coming from a background where equipment where huge and expensive, and now living the era where everything is smaller and quite affordable, I believe that this is a victory of man over machine! Everything now depends on the filmmaker himself, his talent, his cinematic vision, and his art!

At the right conditions, using the new Digital Cinema toys and gadgets makes us reach further, faster, acquire more, pay less, and – most importantly – with much more joy added to our journey.

My Biography

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